Saturday, March 19, 2011

St. Patty's Day 2011

We love St. Patrick's Day and this year we were able to take Baylor to his first Baton Rouge St. Patrick's Day Parade. I have to watch Baylor closely because if he's not in his stroller, he wants to run where ever, whenever he wants. Luckily I remembered to grab the "Monkey" harness. I hate saying it's a leash because I do not condone putting a leash on a child at any time but this is more of a creative backpack with a strap so I can keep him within reach. It's the best Wal-Mart purchase we have made by far!This year we went with some friends, in particular my friend Nadia and her daughter Jayden. They had a great time and really got into the parade. They were waving at everyone on the floats and ended up getting so much thrown to them!

Baylor and Jayden crack me up. You would have sworn they were boyfriend and girlfriend. I was able to capture one of their moments and it was just so sweet....I can't tell who's kissing who but afterward, I snapped a shot of Jayden's expression; it was priceless!

I love taking Baylor to outings like this, where we have a great family day and get to spend time with good friends as well. I hope your St. Patrick's Day was as "lucky" as ours.

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